Initial Research Pathway
Initial research pathways:
Used gAI, ChatGPT to research on the different technologies of resin 3D printing. Gave ChatGPT the prompt "What are the main technologies used in resin 3D printing?". The 3 main technology presented are as follows
Stereolithography (SLA)
Digital Light Processing (DLP)
Masked Stereolithography (mSLA)
Gave ChatGPT the prompt "Explain Stereolithography", as me and my partner Zhi Xian have decided to focus on the Stereolithography technology. The following information are taken from ChatGPT.
- Some applications of resin 3D printing:
- Prototyping (/Rapid)
- Manufacturing
- Dental and Medical parts/equipment
- Jewelry
- Education and Research
- Entertainment and Art
150-200 words: description, feature, function, thesis (opinion on the tech), minimum 3 articles
How basic stereolithography (SLA) works:
(Temporary sources:)
SLA - one of the earliest and most widely used forms of additive manufacturing. It works by using a laser to cure and solidify layers of a photopolymer resin. - A Review of Stereolithography: Processes and Systems - Photopolymerization of Ceramic Resins by Stereolithography Process: A Review
3D model created using CAD, sliced into multiple thin layers
Printer uses a UV laser to trace a layer of model onto the surface of liquid resin, resin solidifies (Cures) where the laser hits.
Build platform lowers slightly, and next layer is traced and cured. This repeats until the entire object is formed.
Object is then removed from resin and typically undergoes additional curing in a UV oven to ensure full polymerisation and strength
MSLA - variation of SLA that uses a digital light projector to cure the resin. Instead of a laser, MSLA uses an LCD screen to project an image of each layer onto the resin surface. - A Review of Stereolithography: Processes and Systems - Digital material fabrication using mask-image-projection-based stereolithography
Preparation: Similar to SLA, a 3D model is sliced into layers.
Layer Projection: An LCD screen displays the entire layer pattern at once, and a UV light source cures the resin through the mask created by the LCD.
Layer Curing: The build platform lowers, and the next layer is projected and cured. This process continues layer by layer.
Post-Processing: The object is removed and further cured if necessary.
MSLA can be faster than traditional SLA because it cures an entire layer at once rather than tracing it with a laser
LFS - an advanced form of SLA designed to reduce the forces exerted on the part during the printing process. This is achieved through a flexible tank and a linear illumination system. - A Review of Stereolithography: Processes and Systems - A review on stereolithography and its applications in biomedical engineering
Preparation: The 3D model is sliced into layers.
Layer-by-Layer Printing: A linear illumination system cures the resin layer by layer. The flexible tank allows for gentle peeling of each layer, reducing the stress on the part.
Layer Curing: The build platform lowers, and the next layer is cured. The flexible tank minimizes the forces during this step.
Post-Processing: The printed object is removed and typically undergoes additional curing.
Edited 3/10/24
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